Service of Papers During Lockdown
A solicitor acting for a claimant served particulars of claim on 25 March (i.e. two days after lockdown) at an empty and closed office...
+44 (0)207 100 46 26
Service of Papers During Lockdown
Employer’s Duty to Conduct a COVID-19 risk assessment
COVID-19: IPO announces date for end of "interrupted period"
Changes to Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme 1 July 2020
Privilege – referring to the effect but not content of legal advice may constitute waiver
COVID-19 and frustration of contract
COVID-19 and force majeure clauses
Vicarious liability and data protection - Morrisons
Reputation and distinctiveness of opponent's mark not relevant to assessment of similarity
Charitable incorporated organisation members' duty to act in good faith is subjective